“A book is a magical thing that lets
you travel to far-away places without ever leaving your chair.”
Our library was established in the year 1980. The first librarian of our school was Aparna Nag Didi. One of our librarians Arup Jyoti Borkotoky Sir was prominent in giving a new shape to our library and working for its all round development. Our present librarian is Kakumoni Gogoi Didi. Our library has been a hub of knowledge and education for thousands of children of our school for the past several years.
Need for library:
The library occupies a very important place in our school. With its books suited to the interest and aptitude of students of different age groups, with its magazines, periodicals, newspapers and with its calm and tranquil atmosphere it has a special call to go there and quench their thirst for reading the material which cannot be provided to them in their classroom. Here they find an environment which is conductive to the building up of habit of self learning. the library is the center of intellectual and social activities of school.
"People can take away your money, people can take away your freedom but, knowledge is something which can never be lost".
Books provide the best path to gain knowledge and knowledge is like a spark which gives rise to intelligence.
Details :-
Total no. of Books :- 8794
Total no. of Magazines :- 20
Opening Hours :- 9 AM to 2:30 PM
Library Classes :- For classes
3 to 12
Borrowing provisions:-
For class 10 and 12 – Two
books each
For class 6 to 9 and 11 – One
book each
Reader of month from class 3 to 5 – One book to be borrowed for one week